EasyProperties - News

EasyProperties Makes Property Investing Accessible: 3 Years in - 30 Properties later

Written by Rupert Finnemore | May 10, 2023 11:03:24 PM

We are thrilled to share with you that EasyProperties has just launched its 30th property on our platform! Our journey since we launched in the dark days of the Covid pandemic in 2020 has been nothing short of remarkable, and that is largely due to the phenomenal EasyEquities community who continue to invest in these quality property listings.

EasyProperties was built because our users said they wanted a different (better!) way to invest in property. And when we say users we mean first time property investors/owners who have a few rand to the many EasyProperties users who invest hundreds of thousands of rands. 

We remain focused on sourcing and offering a diverse range of quality property investments which allow users to diversify their investments. And not only are we aiming for capital growth in these assets, but we also actively pursue assets which give a good chance of passive income – hence many IPOs coming with guaranteed rentals.

Since its launch, EasyProperties has seen incredible success, having concluded 28 property raises on the platform at an 83.33% success rate – only a handful of properties did not get funded. 

Our total portfolio value is nearly R400 million, comprising over 300 units in 28 properties with two more properties currently available for investment – The Volley in Pretoria and BlackBrick Gardens in Cape Town.

The platform has an incredible community of 80 000+ active investors, with an average investment of R1,300. We are grateful to our fantastic investor community for their continued support - without them we could not have reached this milestone and we pledge to continue serving you and helping you to fulfil your property investment ambitions.


Looking at the EasyProperties portfolio

Thank you for being a part of the journey so far!


Have you seen the exciting properties currently listed?

To make investing through EasyProperties even more valuable and exciting, we continue to add more excellent properties onto the platform. We are super excited to show you these amazing properties, and we know you will fall in love with them just as much as we do because of the potential income they will provide.